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- From: amoon <amoon@ergonomica.com>
- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: Real reason for coverup
- Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 07:10:11 -0700
- Organization: Ergonomica
- Lines: 61
- Message-ID: <31C95BC3.6D91@ergonomica.com>
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- One of the main reasons there's secrecy, coverup and stealthy ET behavior is
- the irrational reactions of "the natives." I've compressed a recent string to
- illustrate. "stlnchld"'s final response says it all.
- info@idnworld.com (idn)wrote:
- I wonder if this new movie, INDEPENDENCE DAY, will wrap stuff up properly?
- amoon <amoon@ergonomica.com> wrote:
- If you're wondering if it will make sense out of the UFO phenomenon or
- present thoughtful entertainment, from the hype I've seen the answer is a
- resounding NO. Along with DARK SKIES, it's just more "evil aliens bent on
- destroying humanity" hokum.
- Such entertainments feed the public's irrational, xenophobic, specist fears.
- For those of us who recognize that extraterrestrials are real and that they
- are people deserving to be treated with some dignity, such defamatory
- fantasies cause great harm. At this moment in our history, it is critically
- important that we humans begin to learn how to have a civil relationship with
- non-earth cultures. Our growth, even our survival may depend on it (and not
- because they'll wipe us out). (snip)
- stlnchld@ix.netcom.com wrote:
- (snip) Why a cover-up if these aliens you'd like to kiss ass with are so
- benevolent? Because they aren't benevolent, they aren't here to (snip)
- abolish violent behavior. If they were (snip) they'd circumvent our
- government in a gnats ass half second, proving and showing themself. (snip)
- amoon: There is a cover-up because there are millions like you who will
- react hysterically and violently to something they don't even attempt to
- understand. Your post is a perfect example of the problem.
- stlnchld: So, you go ahead and have your "civil relationship" with the
- "non-earth cultures". (snip)
- amoon: Thanks, I will.
- stlnchld: Well, if it were good news, anyone could handle it.
- amoon: Excuse me? Hello?
- stlnchld: Since it's bad news, it's covered up...kinda like your head. Now
- go see a doctor about that severe case of cranial rectosis you're suffering
- from.
- amoon: You've made my point again. You are apparently unable to carry on a
- civil dialogue with another earthling. What should a funny-looking, non-human
- extraterrestrial expect of you?
- stlnchld: Instant death.
- (There you have it. Cut away all the rant/chatter and you have primal
- aggression. Multiply it by millions and it should be clear why ETs are not
- going to land on the White House lawn.--Chris)
- --
- Chris Alexander
- Founder, Extraterrestrial Anti-Defamation Organization (ETADO)
- <http://www.ergonomica.com/amoon/ETADO.html>